Saturday, 16 November 2013

Will the world end in 100 days? Sounding of ancient trumpet in York warns of Viking apocalypse on 22 February 2014 Legend has it that on this day, the god Odin will be killed by the wolf Fenrir The soil and the sky will be stained with poison and the sea will rear up Prior to the apocalypse, three freezing winters would follow each other The sound of the horn is supposed to call the sons of Odin to the battlefield, where Odin will ultimately be killed

The end of the world was signalled in York last night as a horn was blown to herald the beginning of the apocalypse
All morality would disappear and fights would break out all over the world, signalling the beginning of the end.  
The wolf Skoll would devour the sun, and his brother Hati would eat the moon, causing stars to vanish from the sky and the Earth to be thrown into eternal darkness.
Norse mythology experts have calculated that Vikings believed this will take place on February 22, 2014.

On this day, the god Odin will be killed by the wolf Fenrir and the other ‘creator’ gods.
The sound of the horn is supposed to call the sons of Odin and the heroes to the battlefield, where Odin (pictured) will ultimately be killedThere will be huge earthquakes, the sea will rear up and the soil and the sky will be stained with poison.
The sound of the horn is supposed to call the sons of Odin to the battlefield, where Odin will ultimately be killed.
After his death, the Earth was foretold to sink into the sea, paving the way for a new utopian world with endless supplies.
Danielle Daglan from the Norvik Viking Centre told MailOnline that a number of recent events spoken about in the legends of Ragnarok led them to believe that the end of the world may well be imminent.
The legend states that ‘the first to notice shall be man, brother will fight brother and all the boundaries that exist shall crumble.’
‘The idea that “boundaries that exist shall crumble” could be said to be about the Internet age, where you can communicate with millions of people simultaneously around the world thanks to the global rise of social media,’ said Ms Daglan.
Viking tradition also believes that a vast winter will appear before the apocalypse.