Price For Bigger Backside: Woman Is Left Limbless After Having Illegal Enlargements
When God said He created man in his own image, I want to believe what that statement means is, creating man in a way pleasant to God. But some of us are not pleased with the way God created us and want to look the way people around us want us to – that is one of the major reasons you see women especially, go the extra mile to look beautiful. Some go for nose jobs, b00b implants, b*tt enlargement, plastic surgery and so on.This is the story of a young woman, Apryl Michelle Brown, who was always teased about her flat b*tt, sometimes referred to as a “pancake” booty by her friends and family.
In November’s Essence, she recounts her story on how she wanted to have a larger behind. Eventually she saved up enough money, but her story doesn’t necessarily have a good ending. “I didn’t know if I wanted to look like Janet Jackson or J. Lo., I just wanted a new, bigger booty.”
Unfortunately this quest for a bigger booty has left Brown without her legs and arms. In 2004, Brown, didn’t go to a plastic surgeon, but instead she found an unlicensed person to inject industrial-grade silicone into her behind.
According to Brown, she doesn’t remember how much she paid for the injections, but eventually the area of injection became irritated and painful. Two years later, the silicone hardened and caused her to have an infection. The infections eventually got so bad, she had to have her limbs amputated. In Essence, she warns women about the hazards of pumping parties. ”I was left here for a purpose,” she says. “I have to get the word out so that nobody else makes this choice.”As more women strive for bigger assets at a cheaper price, more of these ‘pump shops’ will show up. And unfortunately more tragic stories will also happen. A larger b*tt definitely isn’t worth a life or limbs.