Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Porifera sponges

    Sponges are a di­verse group of some­times com­mon types, with about 5000 species known across the world. Sponges are pri­mar­ily ma­rine, but around 150 species live in fresh water. Sponges have cel­lu­lar-level or­ga­ni­za­tion, mean­ing that that their cells are spe­cial­ized so that dif­fer­ent cells per­form dif­fer­ent func­tions, but sim­i­lar cells are not or­ga­nized into tis­sues and bod­ies are a sort of loose ag­gre­ga­tion of dif­fer­ent kinds of cells. This is the sim­plest kind of cel­lu­lar or­ga­ni­za­tion found among para­zoans.
    Other char­ac­ter­is­tics of sponges in­clude a sys­tem of pores (also called ostia) and canals, through which water passes. Water move­ment is dri­ven by the beat­ing of fla­gel­lae, which are lo­cated on spe­cial­ized cells called choanocytes (col­lar cells). Sponges are ei­ther ra­di­ally sym­met­ri­cal or asym­met­ri­cal. They are sup­ported by a skele­ton made up of the pro­tein col­la­gen and spicules, which may be cal­care­ous or siliceous, de­pend­ing on the group of sponges ex­am­ined. Skele­tal el­e­ments, choanocytes, and other cells are imbed­ded in a gelati­nous ma­trix called meso­hyl or mesoglea. Sponges cap­ture food (de­tri­tus par­ti­cles, plank­ton, bac­te­ria) that is brought close by water cur­rents cre­ated by the choanocytes. Food items are taken into in­di­vid­ual cells by phago­cy­to­sis, and di­ges­tion oc­curs within in­di­vid­ual cells.

    Re­pro­duc­tion by sponges is by both sex­ual and asex­ual means. Asex­ual re­pro­duc­tion is by means of ex­ter­nal buds. Some species also form in­ter­nal buds, called gem­mules, which can sur­vive ex­tremely un­fa­vor­able con­di­tions that cause the rest of the sponge to die. Sex­ual re­pro­duc­tion takes place in the meso­hyl. Male ga­metes are re­leased into the water by a sponge and taken into the pore sys­tems of its neigh­bors in the same way as food items. Sper­ma­to­zoa are "cap­tured" by col­lar cells, which then lose their col­lars and trans­form into spe­cial­ized, amoeba-like cells that carry the sper­ma­to­zoa to the eggs. Some sponges are mo­noe­cious; oth­ers are dioe­cious. In most sponges for which de­vel­op­men­tal pat­terns are known, the fer­til­ized egg de­vel­ops into a blas­tula, which is re­leased into the water (in some species, re­lease takes place right after fer­til­iza­tion; in oth­ers, it is de­layed and some de­vel­op­ment takes place within the par­ent). The lar­vae may set­tle di­rectly and trans­form into adult sponges, or they may be plank­tonic for a time. Adult sponges are gen­er­ally as­sumed to be com­pletely ses­sile, but a few stud­ies have shown that adult sponges in a va­ri­ety of species can crawl slowly (Bond and Har­ris 1988).
    Sponges have three dif­fer­ent types of body plans, al­though these mor­pholo­gies do not de­fine tax­o­nomic groups. As­conoid sponges are shaped like a sim­ple tube per­fo­rated by pores. The open in­ter­nal part of the tube is called the spon­go­coel; it con­tains the col­lar cells. There is a sin­gle open­ing to the out­side, the os­cu­lum. Syconoid sponges tend to be larger than as­conoids and have a tubu­lar body with a sin­gle os­cu­lum. The syn­conoid body wall is thicker and the pores that pen­e­trate it are longer, form­ing a sys­tem of sim­ple canals. These canals are lined by col­lar cells, the fla­gel­lae of which move water from the out­side, into the spon­go­coel and out the os­cu­lum. The third cat­e­gory of body or­ga­ni­za­tion is leu­conoid. These are the largest and most com­plex sponges. These sponges are made up of masses of tis­sue pen­e­trated by nu­mer­ous canals. Canals lead to nu­mer­ous small cham­bers lined with fla­gel­lated cells. Water moves through the canals, into these cham­bers, and out via a cen­tral canal and os­cu­lum. Sponges in the class Cal­carea, con­sid­ered to be the most pri­ma­tive group, and have as­conoid, syn­conoid and leu­conoid mem­bers. The Hexa­ctinel­l­ida and Demo­spon­giae groups have only leu­conoid forms.
    Sponges are found in vir­tu­ally all aquatic habi­tats, al­though they are most com­mon and di­verse in the ma­rine en­vi­ron­ment. Many species con­tain toxic sub­stances, prob­a­bly to dis­cour­age preda­tors. Cer­tain other ma­rine an­i­mals take ad­van­tage of this char­ac­ter­is­tic of sponges by plac­ing adult sponges on their bod­ies, where the sponges at­tach and grow. The chem­i­cals also prob­a­bly play a role in com­pe­ti­tion among sponges and other or­gan­isms, as they are re­leased by sponges to in­sure them­selves space in the ma­rine ecosys­tem. Some of these chem­i­cals have been found to have ben­e­fi­cial phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal ef­fects for hu­mans, in­clud­ing com­pounds with res­pi­ra­tory, car­dio­vas­cu­lar, gas­troin­testi­nal, anti-in­flam­ma­tory, an­ti­tu­mor, and an­tibi­otic ac­tiv­i­ties. Sponges also pro­vide a home for a num­ber of small ma­rine plants, which live in and around their pore sys­tems. Sym­bi­otic re­la­tion­ships with bac­te­ria and algae have also been re­ported, in which the sponge pro­vides its sym­biont with sup­port and pro­tec­tion and the sym­biont pro­vides the sponge with food. Some sponges (bor­ing sponges) ex­ca­vate the sur­face of corals and mol­luscs, some­times caus­ing sig­nif­i­cant degra­da­tion of reefs and death of the mol­lusc. The corals or mol­luscs are not eaten; rather, the sponge is prob­a­bly seek­ing pro­tec­tion for it­self by sink­ing into the hard struc­tures it erodes. Even this process has some ben­e­fi­cial ef­fects, how­ever, in that it is an im­por­tant part of the process by which cal­cium is re­cy­cled.