Sunday, 12 April 2015

Makinde David call on Youths to live a moral life

We are living in a critical and a very challenging time, a time when is a taboo TO LIVE RIGHT, Image result for moralitya time when nothing is a taboo, a time when society have stamped their approval on everything even those things that goes to the foundation of morality and character it is challenging because many people have ABANDONED Image result for moralityAND thrown away the idea of morality, integrity, faith and social mores much as the garbage we throw out of our homes. it is critical because we are facing wars in every front in central Brooklyn , Iraq , Nigeria , and in India we find people helpless and hopeless  full of despair .Image result for morality
Without question and doubt we have fallen into moral abyss yet we still have hope because we are the new generation let us stand up for the right thing, let us re-transform our mind love each other   , show love to the poor and needy we hope to see a better world through we youths we are the leaders of tomorrow and tomorrow is now let us shine the light and shine it forth