unilagnews: My Poem For Unilag Struggles
This Poem is Composed by Me ... Makinde David For those who don't know my name
It is for the struggles in UNILAG.
The pressure we bear
The nights we dare
The mornings we hurried
The afternoons we queued
The stress we defied
The assignments we replied
The freedom we sacrificed
The behaviors we sanctified
Nights of endless reading
Days when the sun choked our breathing
Gripped with fear of facing tanke
We were forced to memorise Histology of the testes
Like a religion we worshiped our books
And we cared less about our looks
Night class
Like day class
Library like a market
Filled with students who cared less about library ticket
I'm reading at 'AKT' tonight
Mama said NO to stay up at night
I thought nights are filled with silence and emptiness
Not here, ask providence
Slumber, no longer a comfort
Our home no longer a resort
Oh, the exam time table is out
Its a rumour we pout
We hurried still, for here! Rumors are true
We dare not ignore
We neither sleep nor snore
Exam is here
We scurried with fear
And prayed with tears
Holiday is here, still we fumed
Its ephemeral we hummed
We closed our eyes, before dawn we are back to school
Oh what a school
And then the nights again....
Great men don't get much sleep Grat things dont come from Comfort
Makinde David
200 level zoology
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