Thursday, 30 January 2014

5 Things To Tell Your Teenage Daughter about Life

5 Things To Tell Your Teenage Daughter about Life

Listed are the top five things we tell her.

1. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. We want her to know that she is beautiful. We tell her that so she won’t fall in bed with the first guy that tells her the same. We believe high self-esteem is necessary for teen girls so they won’t go looking for affirmation from boys.
2. You can do all things. We tell her she can do anything she sets her mind to and to keep God first. We tell her not to allow anyone to dictate what she can and cannot do because she is female.
3. Know your worth. We tell her that she is special and worthy of respect. If she doesn’t respect herself, a guy won’t respect her. We tell her not to settle for any guy just to say she has one. If she starts settling for anything now, when she is grown she will end up with a man with no job, car, or goals who only wants to live off her.
4. Dress accordingly. We tell her if she dresses like she is for sale, she will attract guys/men who will want her for his entertainment purposes only. The guy will not want a relationship with someone whose body is constantly on display.
5. Have a good work ethic. She just started her first job so we tell her how to be a good employee so when she enters the workforce as an adult, she will know how to work. Therefore, she won’t have to depend on anyone to take care of her as an adult.