Thursday, 30 January 2014

6 Good Things People Don’t Ever Share About Marriage

In a world that already too often devalues commitment and marriage and family institutions, married people tend to not understand that other people and the younger generations are watching and begging for permission to be HAPPILY married.

But it’s hard to be confident, when you ask a married person about marriage and they tell you about how much “hard work it is” and how “miserable” it can be. Then they tell you about all of their horror stories about infidelity and betrayal and divorce. The husbands talk about how you lose your testosterone and stop getting s*x and the women tell you how much the men “change” and become slack. Oh how inspiring!!!
1. No one ever stops to say that when they were down and out… that their mate supported them to the end.
2. No one brags about that when they wake up in the morning there is nothing better than waking up to their best friend.
3. Or, how when they come home they find peace in knowing they can find safety in that person they chose to spend their lives with.
4. They don’t tell you that their number one teammate and cheerleader is always there for them.
5. Or, that there is nothing like the freedom and vulnerability involved in having married s*x!
6. They don’t stop to tell you the beauty in the growth of realizing that marriage is bigger than themselves and more about making their mate happy than making themselves happy.
How come no one ever broadcasts those things?
Sometimes we look and ask ourselves why the divorce rate is so high and why so many people seem so unhappily married. Well the truth is that part of the responsibility lies within the perception married people put out there. At some point we must all step back and ask ourselves…if marriage is so bad then why do so many people keep aspiring to it? There must be something to it after all! Like the couple I was with this weekend said…”there is no secret, it’s about LOVE and EFFORT!”